Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mori's Poems

"Occupant of soul “
In a surprise moments
The wave that slammed on my eyes
Went through
Washed my brain
Entered in my soul
Another permanent resident

“Like My Life”
Seating inside a coffee shop
Staring at snow flakes pouring heavily
Flakes one after another lands on the large window
And melts to a drop
Makes its little stream
And goes down in its own way
Like my life
February 26/07-Mississauga- Canada

“In Exile”
I see the birds are flying
My heart
Starts flying too
Without destination
February 28/07 – Oakville

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Poem by Trisha Smith

Muscular arm to the unknown
Muscular arm to the unknown
Should I hurt or should I go
A struggle
Then fear shackles
To trust the outstretched hand
Overwhelmed and reconciled
Into where belonging
Cries covered by peace
Freed once again.

Trisha is new to the group, I thought a poem would be a good introduction.

Friday, December 9, 2011

David Billings' Poems

Songs of November

November is the dullest month,
It sings in shades of gray,
Yet I learn more from this sad month,
Than from the joys of May.

Late Autumn sings of summer heat
And of the Winters cold,
Spring’s ditties mute though they repeat,
Gay prophecies foretold

So as I sink into the snow,
November’s words I heed
The season’s teach more than I know,
Of January’s deeds.

© All Rights reserved 2011 by David Billings Nov 1 2011

On frozen eddies snowflakes swirl,
Tiny crystals on climatic curls
Like a billion dreams, each unique,
With wintered hums that chime like speech,
They sing of what was and is to be,
Like cobbler shops, Christmas cookies,
And conifers that reached the sky.

They fly like fairies to and fro,
These wisdomed pearls disguised as snow,
Until fatigued they do, alas,
Fall wearily onto the mass,
Like rain upon the sea so deep,
Of whitened cold and endless sleep.

© 1992 David Billings, All Rights Reserved

#302 Muttly Ontarion

I’m just muttly, muttly Ontarion
A label that the books say can’t exist,
But my mirror incites delirium,
My mute reflection quietly insists,
That pirates lacked permission from the Queen
And Vikings left to rot their settlements,
Those called Indians had never been,
To Columbus’s sub continent,
While I the Redneck’s long lost ancestry,
The story which taxation could not tell,
Adopts the cloak of famous mystery,
The past so dark can not future foretell
So I’m content to be a northern mutt,
Such pedigree the world can not rebut.

© by David Billings Nov 7, 2011

12 Haiku for Kandinsky’s Colour Theory
by CJ Martin

Blue recedes, turns in,
Ascends to inner heaven
Soaring flute spirit

Blue retreats, darkens,
Inutterable grief follows
An organ thunders

Yellow flings itself
Outward, forward, overspreads -
Mad shrill lunacy

Green rests actively:
Pause between advance/retreat
Soothes with violins

Gray is paralyzed,
No potential for movement
Mute, no grief, no joy

White, beyond out touch,
The nothingness before birth
A pregnant silence

Black, an endless wall
Ashes of a funeral pyre
Profound, final pause

Red glows for itself
Rings inwardly, maturely
Triumph, strong trumpets

Orange is a man
Convinced of his own powers
An old violin

Cool red, self contained
Less active, it waits its turn
A cello’s sad tones

Violet’s cooled soul
Sad, old, ailing or mourning
A deep English horn

Brown, plus… fleck of red?
Indescribable beauty!
Thunders like a drum

The Swing Set
Ellie Hastings © 2011

We sat on the swing set
As if we had never flown
Our legs too long
Left furrows in the sand

We knew we were always dying
And could see it in our eyes
So we let words fall delicately on tomorrow
Though we felt them as heavy weights

We talked about our times
And the minutes that we missed
And the memories we collected
Pulling them out like forgotten jewels

We are only friendly ghosts
From long ago when our feet could float
And higher on the swings
Was our only dream

Illustration for "It’s not the “Painting,” it’s the painting."

It’s not the “Painting,” it’s the painting.
Ellie Hastings
© 2011

What the fuck is a Pollock?

It’s when the night sky is
red and promising,
though only a darkened day
steps forth.
That moment when you choke
on the ‘X’ in flux.
When caution never fades from trust
or doubt strangles worth.
It is the seconds before a storm,
or after a storm.
It is the storm.
It’s when poetry comes
dancing with the wind
or burns up in the fire,
or in yourself.
It’s when hard falls come
from high climbs seeing victory.
When Tomorrow brands itself
with all your flaws
and spits them back as faults.
It’s when eyes look into shadows
and shadows look for growth.
It’s when sunlight comes
through the window
and reveals dust as gold.
It’s when breathing joins relief
or bitterness steals it harshly.

But what the fuck is a Pollock?

Ellie Hastings Poems

The Swing Set
Ellie Hastings
© 2011

We sat on the swing set
As if we had never flown
Our legs too long
Left furrows in the sand

We knew we were always dying
And could see it in our eyes
So we let words fall delicately on tomorrow
Though we felt them as heavy weights

We talked about our times
And the minutes that we missed
And the memories we collected
Pulling them out like forgotten jewels

We are only friendly ghosts
From long ago when our feet could float
And higher on the swings
Was our only dream

Were You Among the Trees
Ellie Hastings
© 2011

Where were you when the sun fell down
And the clouds moved like desert sand
And became wisps among golden stars
Shooting into violet light

Where were you when the poplars whispered
And spoke of bitter winters, and nightmares
And the juniper confirmed its healing
But was still heavily rooted

Where were you when the oak trees shook
Furrows opening doorways to new realms
Wisdom flooding through roots
And acorns falling for dust

Where were you when the forest King rose
Tangled branches giving way to erratic moonlight
Touching the gods of lightning and thunder
And sharing inspiration with the woods

You were sleeping in foreign fantasies
And shifting through endless traffic
Fictitious in fabrics and counting coins
From pursuits in clouds you could not even see

Your eyes were closed as the trees spoke
Evasion through sleep when night was breathing
Blind in daylight by your own neon lights
And deaf by the rush of empty thinking minds

You were not breathing with your heartbeat
But in time with a ticking clock, fixed and counted
Willingly driven by gears and noisy voices
Passive of the wind that brings so much more

You missed the trees painting the sky
Like worn brushes with bent and wild bristles
Desperate to add their spring flames to the charcoal
And reaching to set the stars on a deeper fire

Where were you when my trust faded
Your compassion turning to dust and laughter
As I stood two feet from myself, bleeding out
And you lived in a circle so small you were choking

Where were you when the sun shattered
And I, pathetically, hoped for you to look 
Your incapacity overflowing with my faults
And ignorance blind to time as deeper thorns

Though here is my doubt relieved by the trees
So you may mindlessly waste in your dreams
And I will walk to find somewhere I am going
Grow among trees and change with the wind

It’s not the “Painting,” it’s the painting.
Ellie Hastings
© 2011

What the fuck is a Pollock?

It’s when the night sky is
red and promising,
though only a darkened day
steps forth.
That moment when you choke
on the ‘X’ in flux.
When caution never fades from trust
or doubt strangles worth.
It is the seconds before a storm,
or after a storm.
It is the storm.
It’s when poetry comes
dancing with the wind
or burns up in the fire,
or in yourself.
It’s when hard falls come
from high climbs seeing victory.
When Tomorrow brands itself
with all your flaws
and spits them back as faults.
It’s when eyes look into shadows
and shadows look for growth.
It’s when sunlight comes
through the window
and reveals dust as gold.
It’s when breathing joins relief
or bitterness steals it harshly.

But what the fuck is a Pollock?