Monday, March 26, 2012

John Pingree's Images


Photos (in the blog order):
1. First night
  4. Next Day (a set, obviously)
2. Data transmission and storage
3. Connie's music
5. More than friends
6. Shadow land
7. Connection
8. Interlock

John Ambury's Poems

Animation suspended
no life in snow
the pond lies still
Just days from now this pond will teem
with newborn beings
to stock the world
            with every species
                        two by two in billions
                                    the genesis of all existence
Today the pond lies still
no life in snow
animation suspended
* Impromptu verse inspired by the Japanese brush drawing of the same name by Baoxing Zhang. “Poetry In The Park,” Sovereign House (Oakville ON), 17 July 2011.
                                                 © John Ambury, 2011. All rights reserved.
HAIKU (Senryu), from Sets 3 and 4
The form
          Haiku I am told
          must not be given titles --
          your indulgence, please
          “I love you, miss you”
          cold words freeze-dry on my screen
          hot tears brim my eyes
          Apocalypse now
          forty days and nights of floods
          how shall we still breathe?
          So she goes, D’uh, right?
          I’m like, Tell me about it
          she’s like, Just sayin’
          We do not make art
          sky-thrown hearts fly back in words
          poetry happens
                                        © John Ambury, 2011. All rights reserved.

Grant's Poem

First Light

Grant Thompson

It was the season after the Hunter's moon,
On a dark and starry night,
Beneath the vault of sky, entombed,
Far from civilization's light.

Those then-young eyes sent their gaze aloft
Their first light yet to see.
They saw gossamer curtains of rippling hues,
And a faintly glowing bridge of stars, across a pitch black sea.

The  brilliant light of a thousand stars
Spread across the black,
There, far too many wonders for one
They knew they would be back.

Now, decades are gone yet
Older-eyes still come to see the sight.
But they need the help of memory's eye,
To recapture the vision of that first night.

When the old eyes finally close
And see with soul's  clear sight,
Then find me after the Hunter's moon
On a dark and starry night.

I'll wait beneath the vault of sky, entombed
Far from civilizations light.